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Dec 12, 2018

I sold my cafe after spending almost 3 years building it up from nothing. When I began Robin's Cafe, there was a parking lot across the street. Today, that parking lot is literally a park and a playground. I was able to grow the cafe because of a ton of factors: good timing, a great neighborhood, a lenient lease, and a whole ton of effort. When I left, the cafe employed 15 people on staff, up from 1 person on our first day of operations.

Every morning since I sold my business, I've woken up at 7am with a thrill because I don't have to solve food service emergencies anymore! But a few days after selling Robin's Cafe, I had an insight and my first tinge of regret about selling my business.

But I promise: the regret isn't what you think. I don't regret starting the business, and I certainly don't regret selling it. The only thing I really wish I had done differently is document every step of the journey along the way.